a fictiv story ;)

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here is one of my latest fictive stories :) i hope you´ll like it ;)



My journey to University

Warm tickling on the arms, kissing the skin “good day”, the bright light was warming me gently and the wind stroked me as I dashed to university by bike. Every muscle got warm from stretching and bending. I began to feel the boiling blood rushing through my veins as my senses got at their peak of efficiency. My heart went “boom boom” as my feet moved quickly in hurry and my hands were shaking but still holding on to the cycle’s cold steel. I was late again. “Why did I always have to be late?” I asked myself but I knew that to this rhetorical question no answer would follow. I did not know it myself. Time always rushed by when I was at home and waved me “good bye” with a nasty smile leaving me behind. Afterwards I always try to follow it or even catch up to it, like the time is my pray but with no chance of catching it ever.                                                                                                                                       Colors flouting by at the left and the right sight and are becoming blurred. A tunnel of clear view but around it only a fuzzy picture, drops of sweat ran down the smooth surface of the cheeks tickling and feeling fresh when mixed with the wind´s flavor. I cycled as quickly as possible to get to my lecture but I knew that I would be more than 10 minutes late. My mind did want to go faster but my body shouted no and also my senses said that I should also be aware of the other vehicles in traffic. I was sure that it would be dangerous to drive faster and still look out for the other cars and bikers as well as the persons who went.                    Breathing in heavily, I consumed the air like I was eating dinner. I bite and swallowed and breathed in deeply. “Air, I need more Air.” It felt like I did not get enough air and then everything went black. Deep black, darkness overcame me so deep and groundless, enveloping me and giving me the chills. Suddenly I felt some kind heavy surface, rough and hard, something warm leaving my body, dying the world in red, as I tried opening an eye. All went back to black again and I felt lonely and blue and felt pain. Pain like a knife being stuck in my back or my side, this was the last I saw before I woke up in hospital.

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